PALMOILIS is an online database service developed and hosted by the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). The above service was launched in 1993 on occasion of the PORIM International Palm Oil Congress 1993. Palm oil data, information and knowledge are the strategic resources, the intellectual capital and the main product of MPOB. Hence, PALMOILIS is a portal for Information & Knowledge on palm oil and oil palm.


The library Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)

MPOB e-Journals
Online compilation of MPOB Journals and Bulletins namely,

Oil Palm Abstract Database (OPAD)

An online bibliographic database of journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, patents, standards, lecture notes and other relevant references on oil palm and palm oil, published by MPOB and other scholarly and learned publishers.

Commercializable technologies available for technology transfer to the industry

MPOB-product formulations

Electronic version of MPOB Test Methods

Oil palm genes database