Resource Library
The Resource Library is the knowledge reservoir of the Board. It is the depository of all the by-products of R&D work generated from the laboratories and pilot plants of the Board, in the form of patents, publications, conference /seminar papers, reports, theses, research notebooks etc. These publications, being the intellectual property of the Board are housed in special collection, PALMA Collection.
Besides the corporate knowledge assets, the Resource Library maintains a sizeable collection of books, monographs, journals, standards, patents, reports, theses, and other sources of information, both printed as well as electronic sources.
In line with the advancement of online resources, MPOB via the Centre subscribes to most resources by established publishers such as Elsevier, Springer, Oxford, Wiley, American Chemical Society (ACS) and many more …
Subject Strength
- Biochemistry, Biology & Biotechnology
- Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
- Food Science & Nutrition
- Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics & Toiletries
- Sustainable Energy & Development
- Economics and Industrial Development
Information Services
Online Search Service (Palm Search)
The online public access catalogue(OPAC) is the lifeline of the Centre. Searches can be done by author, title, subject….. in fact any term. The Centre has launched a new webOPAC in 2016 accessible @
Borrowing is limited only to registered members of the Centre in possession of valid access cum membership cards issued by the Centre.
InterLibrary Loans
The Centre also provides interlibrary loan facilities to encourage the information-sharing with libraries/information centres in the country. It also undertakes interlibrary transaction with overseas libraries especially BLDSC, UK, after exhausting the entire national collection.
The system allows registered users, whether walk-in or remote access, to do their own reservations at their end.
Photocopy services are provided on a do-it-yourself basis, subject to a minimal charge of 20 sen. Alternatively, photocopy cards are available for purchase.
Literature Search
Online literature searches on subscribed online journals and databases via the Internet can be executed with guidance from the Counter Personnel / Reference Librarian.
Current Awareness/SDI Services
Members will be notified as and when new issues of MPOB journals are released.